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UK Time Applications: The Scientific Case


The purpose of the scientific case is both to amplify the information provided on the form and to provide evidence in support of the application. Some Guidelines on the writing of a such a case are given below. They are divided into two parts. The first is a set of General Guidelines, which apply to all time applications. The second is an additional set for those applications which request additional time for an existing experiment.

General Guidelines

The objectives of the proposed investigation should be described in sufficient detail to make its purpose clear. The role which each EISCAT facility - that is, the UHF Radar, the VHF Radar, the Heater, and the Svalbard Radar - is to play should be stressed. One should also discuss the modes in which these facilities are to be operated. Particular attention should be paid to the amount of time requested. This must always be justified. An explanation should also be given of the time of year or the times of day when the experiment is to be run. If EISCAT measurements are to be made in conjunction with those from satellites, rockets, or other ground based facilities, then the role of the latter should be explained. Finally, there should be a list of supporting publications.

With regard to length, a short succinct case is preferred as long as the scientific case is adequately made. One should remember the application is for time on the EISCAT Radars. The case is quite different to that to be made for a grant proposal. Text should not just be transferred from one of the latter.

Applications for Additional Time for An Existing Experiment

The first point to note here is that each application for time should stand alone. One should not assume that previous submissions will be available when the application is considered. In particular, an application for additional time should not be a wholesale copy of a previous submission. Evidence will normally be required of the results so far obtained. Text and figures which have appeared in a previous application may be legitimately be used, especially as background information. The new application should, however, provide an account of observations made since time was last awarded - that is: the amount of data taken and what the principal findings were. On this basis one should explain why more time is needed. There should also be a list of any publications which resulted from the previous observations.

In making this request, it is appreciated that the desired results might not be obtained at the first attempt. (There are many reasons why this could happen.) If this is the case, then it should be stated clearly in the application.

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